About the project
The work for Travelers was a relatively small project. Travelers had asked Publicis Sapient to design some branding for this security quiz and deliver an email template for their quiz results.
My role on this project
A majority of the work had been completed towards the end of the prior year and I was brought on as a hybrid UX / UI Designer to create high fidelity deliverables for the development team. I also acted as a Visual Quality Analysis lead in making sure browser cross compatibility was met.
Sketch + Invision
Branding Exploration
The objective was to come up with a header icon that helped express a “Pressure Test”. After exploring options involving a check, check list, or valve, ultimately we presented the client with a “pressure gauge” and they felt it accurately represented a way to monitor a potential customer’s risk of hacking, breaching or penalties.
Email Template
Between three potential email templates, Travelers decided to move forward with one that stripped the content to its bare essentials. Knowing their users and their potential email client limitations, they recognized heavy multimedia content would turn off their viewers and shift the intended layout.
Links and CTAs were kept to a minimum and mainly to supplementary content. Links to the original results page would cause issue because the results are live generated and not kept anywhere. This extra backend was not something Travelers was willing to establish.
Main takeaway
A light project that spanned only a few weeks, this work allowed me to explore branding and working within limiting factors such as email. A great learning experience that helped me advance my understanding and practice in UI. As most of my work tends to focus on UX, it’s great to be able to branch out and work in an area that I could grow in.